Sara and Nick hook up? - Can He Score

Channel: Can He Score

This week we got one of the cutest porn chicks to come our way. Her name is Sara Stone and she's got a huge Rack! All natural titties are where its at and because they are awesome we hooked her up with some guy named Nick Churches who just turned 21 today! So we decided that this is his opportunity to bang a hot porn star and celebrate his 21st with style. We took them out on some fun activities to get to know each other like bike riding on the beach. Yup one of those two seater bikes that they can share and hopefully not fall over on. Then something extra fun, Strip Poker! Yeah I don't have to tell you how hot it is to see a hot girl losing to this game. Yeah you need to see those large tits shaking in the air, like soft sacks of yumminess for you to grab and play with. But most importantly we need to know if Nick Churches had the chance ...CAN HE SCORE?
